Library Board meeting minutes - March 20, 2024

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Hennepin County Library Board met Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Brookdale Library ABC Meeting Room, 6125 Shingle Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center.


Library Board members: Gordy Aune, Jr., Jane Brissett, Xaiyo Chang, Amal Karim, Randy Klauk, Jessica Kraft Ashley Krohn, Lynn Stetler.

Hennepin County Staff: Director Scott Duimstra, J.R. Genett, Patti Hetrick, Kelli Koob, Amy McNally, Ayanna Muata, Christy Mulligan, Liudmila Trandafilava, Ali Turner, Ann Woodson-Hicks, Josh Yetman.

Call to Order

Chair Jane Brissett called the meeting to order at 5:31p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Attendance of Library Board Members

Library Board Clerk J.R. Genett took roll call and the Board met quorum with eight board members present.

Approval of agenda

Motion: Ashley Krohn
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.

Approval of Consent Items

Meeting summary of the January 24, 2024, meeting, and donations.
Motion: Lynn Stetler
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.

Public Comment

Public comment was given by five union members.

President’s Report

Brissett highlighted changes to the Library Board meeting schedule and upcoming events. Brissett shared an updated procedure for per diem payments. Brissett presented the Minnesota Public Library Trustee Handbook.

Director’s Report

Library Director Scott Duimstra discussed Library, Community, and County updates. These included Minnesota Library Association Legislative Day, building renovations, Mary Ann Key Book Club, recent media, Let’s Read project, service numbers, and staffing departure of Chief Financial Officer Patti Hetrick.

Library Staff Dialogue

Senior Department Administrator Liudmila Trandafilava presented an overview on the Hennepin County Security Division, including the Safe Spaces Initiative which addresses human trafficking and domestic abuse victims.

Committee Reports

The Executive Committee’s next meeting has a change of date: April 24, 2024, 6-7p.m. at Ridgedale Library, Robert H. Rohlf meeting room.

The Friends of Hennepin County Library ex-officio Brissett shared that the organization is beginning work on an updated strategic plan. Brissett shared about a recently hosted author event.

The Budget and Long-Term Planning Committee reminded the Board of two upcoming meetings: August 21, 2024, 5:30-7:30pm at Ridgedale Library, meeting room 174, and November 13, 2024, 4:30-5:30pm, Penn Lake Library meeting room.

The Policy Committee stated that the Library Board Per Diem and Expense Policy, Reserving and Using Library Rooms Policy, and the Lending Policy are all currently under review.

The Nominating Committee informed board members that the Form of Interest for Library Board Officer is due to the Board Clerk by Wednesday, April 3, 2024. The committee meets April 24, 2024, 5-6pm.

Unfinished Business

Regarding public comment from speakers, Duimstra stated that comments related to personnel matters are addressed by administration following the meeting, and that personnel matters cannot be discussed during a Library Board meeting.

New Business

Krohn asked for clarification on agenda item Public Comment, particularly on how much time is dedicated to the agenda item. Krohn recommended using numeric signs or a countdown clock for public commentators.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Library Board is Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., Edina Library meeting room.


There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm.

Motion: Lynn Stetler
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Motion passed.