Budget and Long-term Planning Committee meeting summary - May 25, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Library Board Budget and Long-term Planning Committee met Wednesday, May 25, 2022, via Microsoft Teams.


Committee members: Gordy Aune Jr., and Lynn Stetler

Library Board members: Briana Eicheldinger and Jane Brisset

Staff: Patti Hetrick, and Jeannette Lewis

Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Gordy Aune Jr. called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Approval of Agenda

Chair Gordy Aune Jr. made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Lynn Stetler.
Motion passed.

Approval of Meeting Summary

Gordy Aune Jr. made a motion to approve February 15, 2022, meeting summary: seconded by Lynn Stetler.
Motion passed.

Presentation of Library Budget Information – CFO Patti Hetrick

Patti Hetrick, CFO of the Hennepin County Library, provided an update on the 2022 library budget. The update included a discussion on current strategic planning, the 2022 Revenues Budget, and expenditures, including a 2% increase in property tax.

The update also included the collection budget and a combination of online and physical services. The county values library services and contributions while patrons feel the environmental impact of the last few years.

Future Committee Involvement with Library Budget

The Budget & Long-term Planning Committee discussed the Budget Update and ways the committee can be more involved in the budget discussion.

New Business

Committee members discussed the budget timeline and future oversight. The committee plans to meet again to discuss the outcome of the 2021 budget and look into the current 2022.


Gordy Aune Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:56 p.m.: seconded by Lynn Stetler.