Executive Committee meeting summary - January 13, 2021

The public is welcome at all library board meetings


Present: Sheila Letscher, Erin Vrieze Daniels, Jonathan Gaw, Adja Kaba, Jane Brissett, Keegan Xavi, Gordy Aune Jr, and LaBelle Nambangi

Hennepin County Staff: Chad Helton, Janet Mills and Jeannette Lewis


Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Erin Vrieze Daniels called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Approval of Agenda and Meeting summary

Sheila Letscher made a motion to approve the agenda; second by Adja Kaba.

Sheila Letscher made a motion to approve the October21, 2020 meeting summary; second by Adja Kaba.

2021 Budget/Operations

Director Chad Helton will give an update at the January 27, 2021 full Library Board meeting

Discussion: 2021 Calendar and Meeting Planning

Committee members discussed the 2021 calendar for board meetings. The committee would like to increase the meeting cadence to monthly meetings. Sheila Letscher proposed moving the Policy Review schedule back to full board meeting discussions. Adja Kaba suggested having a committee structure for policy review, allowing for more in-depth dialogue, which would come back to the full board for discussion and approval. The committee discussed the timeline for the Strategic Plan work.

Agenda for Next Board Meeting

Committee members participated in open discussion about agenda items for the next full board meeting on January 27, 2021.

New Business

ALA Mid-winter conference sign-up is now open.


Chair Erin Vrieze Daniels adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m.