Executive Committee meeting summary - April 20, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Hennepin County Library Board met Wednesday, April 20, 2022 virtually via Microsoft Teams.


Present: Jane Brissett, Erin Vrieze Daniels, Lynn Stetler, Tim Dolan, Briana Eicheldinger, and Gordy Aune, Jr.

Hennepin County Staff: Dan Rogan, J.R. Genett, Amy McNally, and Katie Zeuli


Welcome and Call to Order

Vice President Jane Brissett called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m. and welcomed attendees in Chair Adja Kaba’s absence.

Approval of Agenda

Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Tim Dolan.

Approval of Meeting Summary

Erin Vrieze Daniels made a motion to approve the March 9, 2022, meeting summary: seconded by Tim Dolan.

Agenda For the May 4 Board Meeting

Committee members discussed agenda items for the May 4, 2022, board meeting. The agenda will include: president’s report; interim director’s report; library staff dialogue; and committee reports. The committee report from the Nominating Committee will include a recommendation for the Executive Officers of the Library Board. 2022-2023 Meeting Schedule was added to the agenda.

Library Board Email Response

The committee discussed the creation of communication guidelines which would include how the Library Board responds to patron emails and how Board members correspond with one another. Board members agreed that library administrative staff should draft a communication policy that will be sent to the Policy Committee for review and approval. Thereafter, it will be brought to the full board for approval.


Vice President Jane Brissett adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m.