Executive Committee meeting summary - June 1, 2022
The public is welcome at all library board meetings
The Library Board Executive Committee met on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, via Microsoft Teams.
Present: Adja Kaba, Jane Brissett, Lynn Stetler, and Gordy Aune, Jr.
Hennepin County Staff: J.R. Genett and Katie Zeuli
Welcome and Call to Order
President Adja Kaba called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.
Approval of Agenda
Jane Brissett made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Lynn Stetler.
Approval of Meeting Summary
Jane Brissett made a motion to approve the April 20, 2022, meeting summary: seconded by Lynn Stetler.
Bylaw Change Recommendation
Committee members discussed the recommendation to change Hennepin Library Board Bylaw, Article V. The committee agreed to table any changes until 2023when the policy is already scheduled for review.
Agenda For June 22, 2022, Board Meeting
Committee members discussed agenda items for the June 22, 2022, board meeting. The agenda will include president’s report; interim director’s report; library staff dialogue; and committee reports. The committee added the recommendation of appointing a member at large during the president’s report. They added an update for the strategic planning and youth advisory committees to the interim director’s report. The committee reached out to County Commissioner Kevin Anderson to present during the full board meeting.
President Adja Kaba adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m.