Executive Committee meeting summary - August 10, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Library Board Executive Committee met on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at the Maple Grove Library.


Present: Adja Kaba, Lynn Stetler and Gordy Aune Jr.

Hennepin County Staff: Jeannette Lewis, J.R Genett, Dan Rogan and Katie Zeuli

Welcome and Call to Order

President Adja Kaba called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Approval of Agenda

President Adja Kaba added an additional agenda item to discuss the open board member position. Lynn Stetler made a motion to approve the adjusted agenda; seconded by Adja Kaba.
Motion passed.

Approval of Meeting Summary

Lynn Stetler made a motion to approve the June 1, 2022, meeting summary: seconded by Adja Kaba.
Motion passed.

Discussion of Open Board Member Position

Board Member Kimberly Urig resigned earlier in 2022. The Library Board discussed this current vacancy with Library Administration. The vacancy will be posted in late 2022 along with other open positions, which follows the Board’s bylaws. The bylaws state that when a Board member resigns mid-term, “The appointment to fill the vacancy shall be for the remainder of the member’s term, and the replacement will be made by the County Board of Commissioners.”

Agenda For September 21, 2022, Board Meeting

Agenda items for the September 21 meeting include president’s report; interim director’s report, including an update on the youth advisory committee; library staff dialogue; committee reports; discussion of Board Executive Committee membership. The Board clerk will reach out to County Commissioner Kevin Anderson requesting his presence.


President Adja Kaba adjourned the meeting at 5:51 p.m.