Policy Committee meeting summary - August 3, 2022

The public is welcome at all library board meetings

The Library Board Policy Committee met Wednesday, August 3, 2022, via Microsoft Teams.


Present: President Adja Kaba, Vice President Jane Brissett, Gordy Aune Jr., Mike Hogan, Keegan Xavi, and Lynn Stetler

Hennepin County Staff: J.R. Genett, Samantha Jekot-Graham, Dan Rogan, Amy McNally, and Katie Zeuli

Welcome and Call to Order

Chair Jane Brissett called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed attendees.

Approval of Agenda

Gordy Aune, Jr. made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Mike Hogan. Motion passed.

Approval of Meeting Summary

No changes were made to the May 11, 2022, meeting summary and the summary was approved. Motion: Mike Hogan
Second: Gordy Aune Jr.

Fee Policy

The committee discussed and made changes to the Fee Policy to make the language easier for patrons to understand. The committee voted to bring the policy to the full Library Board meeting for a final vote.
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Mike Hogan

Communication Policy

The committee discussed the Communication Policy brought by library administration and made minor edits., The committee voted to bring the edited policy to the full library board for a final vote.
Motion: Gordy Aune, Jr.
Second: Keegan Xavi

Standardization of Policy History

The committee discussed how to best record the review and adoption of policies. The committee voted on standardized language which includes listing the year of a policy’s next review and identifying the specific date when a policy was adopted or last reviewed.
Motion: Mike Hogan
Second: Gordy Aune, Jr.


Gordy Aune, Jr. motioned to adjourn. Mike Hogan Second. Motion passed.
Jane Brissett adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.