Assistive Technology at Minneapolis Central

Assistive Technology is located on the first floor of Minneapolis Central Library. Software available for users includes JAWS Fusion, Open Book, Talking Typer, and Zoom Text.

Devices for users with physical limitations, including large keyboards, trackballs, specialty mice, and Dragon Naturally Speaking are also available.


A Z-phone that uses video relay service is available in the library for customers who use ASL (American Sign Language) to use to make calls within the library or outside the building. The phone is available when the library is open. The video relay service uses VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) and a high-quality video camera with certified interpreters and is provided at no cost to qualified people through Federal Communication Commission funding.


JAWS Fusion is a screen reader. Designed for people who are blind, it allows users to access hyperlinks and content on a webpage.

Open Book is optical character recognition (OCR) software which allows a user to scan mail, books, articles, or printed microform to an application which reads it.

Kurzweil 3000 is an assistive technology for cognitive disabilities.