Online resources

26 results

American Indian Experience

Articles on the Native tribes of North America as well as primary sources, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, maps, and images.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework


Video storybooks and online nonfiction books for young readers. Includes streaming video, games and educator resources.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), with funding from state and federal tax revenues.

Category: Books and authors , Homework

Britannica Library

Full-text articles, plus primary sources, news, websites, videos, images, magazine articles, online books, and an interactive atlas. Resources categorized for children, teens, and general reference.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework

CQ Researcher

Current and controversial issues with detailed discussions of pros and cons, summaries, bibliographies, and links to related stories. Goes back to 1923.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Government and politics , Homework , Pro/Con


Country histories, cultures, statistical data, embassy contacts, images, maps, audio files, and recipes. Includes U.S. states.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states , Homework

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (World Book)

Información sobre gente, lugares, objetos, acontecimientos e ideas para los estudiantes de primaria a secundaria. Incluye enlaces a periódicos en español de todo el mundo. Aprovecha esta enciclopedia para investigar y divertirte.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework , Spanish

Explora Kids

Full-text articles from magazines, newspapers, and reference books about current events, people, places, animals, history and more. Includes primary sources, images and maps. Full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Elementary/middle school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Explora Teen

Full-text articles from reference books and academic and popular periodicals about health, arts and literature, biography, current issues, geography, history and more. Includes primary sources, images and maps. Full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). High school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Gale In Context: Biography

People from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas. Includes images, audio files, and articles from magazines and reference books.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale In Context: High School

Biography, literature, history, science, current events, multiculturalism, and more. Includes full-text articles, primary sources, essays, critical analyses, timelines, images, and maps.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Gale In Context: Middle School

Covers cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, geography, literature, science, and social issues. Includes books, images, biographies, audio, video, magazines, newspapers, creative works, primary sources, and more.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: General , Homework

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Social issues covered by pro/con viewpoint essays, topic overviews, primary sources, biographies, court-cases, articles, statistics, charts and graphs, images, and podcasts.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Homework , Pro/Con

Gale In Context: Science

Overviews, full-text articles, images, websites, and videos covering earth and life science, space, technology, mathematics, and science history and biography. Includes science experiments.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Science , Homework

Gale In Context: U.S. History

Primary sources, secondary sources, and full-text journal articles covering all areas of U.S. History. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale In Context: World History

Primary sources, secondary sources, and full-text journal articles covering world history from antiquity to the present. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: History and biography , Homework

Gale Literature Resource Center

Biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline. Includes criticism, plot summaries, and dictionary of literary terms. Goes back to 1400.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Books and authors , Homework


Free online tutoring and writing help for K-12 students and adult learners. Tutors are available online every day from 1 to 11 p.m. Get help in English or Spanish.

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), with funding from state and federal tax revenues.

Category: Homework

NoveList K-8 Plus

Resources for finding fiction and nonfiction titles for children and teens by topic, genre, grade level, and Lexile score. Includes read-alikes, discussion guides, reviews and articles. 

Subscription purchased by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), with funding from state and federal tax revenues.

Category: Books and authors , Homework

PebbleGo: Animals and Biographies

Articles about animals and famous people with read-aloud audio and interactive activities. Designed for grades K-3. Recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Safari.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , History and biography , Science

PebbleGo Next: States and Indigenous Peoples' History

Articles about states and Native American history and studies, with read-aloud audio and questions to inspire critical thinking. Designed for grades 3-5.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , Countries and states , History and biography

Points of View Reference Source

Essays on controversial topics that examine multiple sides of current issues. Includes charts, graphs, and research guides. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) with a state appropriation to the MINITEX Library Information Network.

Category: Homework , Pro/Con

Scholastic GO!

Full-text articles from encyclopedias. Includes animals, biographies, countries, science and more.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework


Resources for science exploration and student research support. Includes nonfiction articles with read aloud option, videos, current events, career information, and experiments.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Homework , Science


Scholastic True Books on nonfiction topics. Projects, lessons, and activities help build knowledge on people, places, history, science, and nature.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Countries and states , Homework , Science

World Book Kids

Full-text articles on people, places, science, animals, history, and more. Includes videos, images, audio files, science projects, maps, and games. Elementary school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework

World Book Online (Student)

Full-text articles on geography, history, science, and current events. Includes biographies, videos, and quizzes. Middle/high school level.

Subscription purchased with funding from Hennepin County property taxes.

Category: Encyclopedias and dictionaries , Homework